Private school Abusu Ikastola

Pontoi Bidea 20, 48004 Bilbao, Spain

Former Use: Flour mill
New Use: School
Category: Education
Original Architect: Alejo de Miranda (modernisation of existing mill in 1794)
Reuse Architect: Federico Arruti and Antón Boyra
Construction year(s): 1780 - 1800
Reuse year(s): 1995 - 2007


The original name of the mill was 'Harinas del Pontón'.

Relevant Literature:

  1. Asociacion Vasca de Patrimonio Industrial y obra publica, 2001, Viejas fábricas Nuevos usos, Bilbao, pp.38-39.

Added on 2018-04-26 by editor Dora Chatzi Rodopoulou